October 21, 2010

Look Who's Legit!

Today has been a wonderful day, and I will tell you why it has been so wonderful. I just received my very own set of personalized business cards!! They are so beautiful and professional! I've provided you with a picture so that you too can enjoy the greatness of my now legitimate career.

You really thought I would post my information on the internet?!?! Got ya. :) Well this is a picture of the back of my business card thus proof that it has normal dimensions of a business card, and therefore is a legitimate business card. I'll let your imagination do the rest. I'm excited to be able to hand them out and say, "Here's my card, call me anytime if you have any questions or concerns." Wow I sound more professional already.

Second item of legit -ness is that I finally bought a gym pass today!! Wahoo!! I've always figured that I would keep active and in shape by doing sports or other activities and that I would never need a boring old gym pass. HOWEVER, I've always secretly wanted a gym pass. I can't wait to join in with the other sweaty people, participate in some intense exercise classes, and to acheive my goal of being fantastically fit! You can probably expect to see a few more posts with the phrase, "Oh yeah, I just got back from the gym." and know that my coolness level just increased by 4. DOMINATION! Now I've got to go find a cute gym outfit and buy some more make up.... ;)

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