October 5, 2012


Guess where I was able to go yesterday?! 
Oquirrh Mountain LDS Temple
This was my first trip to South Jordan and can I just say I was more than impressed.   The Oquirrh Mountain temple always scared me with it's odd name.  Is that terrible of me to say? It's terrible huh? Face into palm. Usually I don't trust things I can't spell.  So I practiced the spelling a few times, got down the pronunciation and I was good to go! :)  First off, this temple is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  I don't know if you're supposed to pick favorites, but my mom said it was okay, so it's settled, this is my new favorite.  It's on top of a hill, right in Daybreak and is just so aesthetically appealing.  Secondly, Daybreak..... WOW.  I had heard that it was quite fantastic, but no one prepared me for how adorable every single house was.  They were still pretty good sized houses for being so close together, and the whole neighborhood was immaculately clean - decorated in the style I currently can only Pin about.   Seeing all those cute houses made me want my own so badly!  I have to admit, I've been looking at them all morning.  Yeah.... looks like I'll just have to keep pinning my Daybreak house dreams for awhile. :)

I am so grateful that I was able to go to the temple yesterday.  I can't even describe the overwhelming peace, happiness and spirit that I felt the instant I walked through those doors.   I need that peace in my busy life, and I need it more consistently.   I've made an October resolution, that I will go to the temple every Thursday to do Baptisms.  We'll see how it turns out, but I'm really excited to give it a try! 

Here's to a good weekend - and a happy birthday Mr. Mitchell!

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