December 13, 2012

Isn't life lovely?

It's Thursday again! Wow... Another round of what I've been grateful for this week.

Well.  It's been quite the week.  Quite the week I tell you.  More on that later....  

Nevertheless, I'm grateful for these lovelies this week:

  • Answers to prayers
  • Perspective
  • Friends & Family
  • Sincerity
  • New cleats (Ooooohhh they are so beautiful!)
  • Gold's Gym
  • Thermals
  • the movie Pitch Perfect (round 2 was even better than the first!)
What are you thankful for today?!


  1. HAILEY! I don't know if you already saw this or not, but Rockstar diaries picked you a few days back for a giveaway winner!! It's several posts back, on NOV. 27, but it looks like she updated it on Dec. 8!! Ch-ch-check it out asap!!!

  2. Nis I need to get in to How I Met Your Mother.... everyone loves it. Kellie, I already told you on Facebook earlier, but again, thank you soooo much for letting me know!!!! :)
