January 18, 2013


So today is Friday.... and yesterday was Thursday.... which means I missed my Weekly Domination post because I was too lazy to do anything.... fail. I'm already re-thinking my frail commitment of doing this post every week, but I'll give it another go for now.

So without further ado... Here's a list of a few awesome things that dominated my week!

  • Mom & Me time on Saturday
    • I love my mom. :)  Plus I bought myself my first infinity scarf!!
  • Holli and I researching my new singles ward.  
    • Conclusion: sexy men, they don't discriminate against us "old folk," really friendly and welcoming, great vibe and fantastic bishopric! Score!
  • Jazz v. Heat game with a super cool date! 
  • Finally met baby Jensen!
    • Katie and Dave sure do know how to make one cute kid
  • Bailed on my soccer game so that I could go out to eat with my parentals and PK.  
    • Worth it! 
  • Had a minor breakdown about my living situation/options. 
    • Thank heavens I have the smartest parents on the planet.  My dad listened to me and helped me think logically about the situation.  My mom pegged me real good.  She observed that I was stressing out just like I am now when I was trying to decide if I wanted to go back to school or not. I tend to get caught up in what the 'smart' or 'right' thing to do is, but those things are what everyone else thinks or says is the 'smart' or the 'right' thing to do.  I'm wired a little differently, and I know when I'm not ready for something.  Unfortunately I try to fight it and convince myself to follow what is 'smart' and 'right' and it ends up stressing me out of my mind.  Thankfully I have great friends and family to help me wallow in my indecisiveness.  I'm not ready yet, but one day I will be, and I'm finally content with that. :)
Looking forward to this weekend and next week, but also learning to be happy where I'm at (sitting in my office and happily working).  

P.S. I did research the saying "without further ado" just to make sure I was saying it right.  Look at this golden nugget I found: 

Now you know! 

1 comment:

  1. i love mommy daughter time. and i love y parents when i have a breakdown! actually... i usually go to my sister first but then i go to my parents and they're both always a great help :)

    The DayLee Journal
